I hate public transportation for a LIST of reasons, but the main one is people are always trying to read my texts! I was riding the bus home from class and this smelly dude sits next to me and immediately glances at my phone. Why is it any of YOUR business, random stranger, what I'm doing on my phone?
However, it's not just random strangers who will peek at my phone. I have a few friends who will look over my shoulder to see what I'm doing on my phone. I've never understood this because if it was something worth sharing, I would obviously be sharing it!
First of all, it does not matter what I'm doing on my phone because it's NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.
Unless I decide this information is so important that we need to talk about it, why are you bothering to creep over my shoulder? More than likely, I'm just texting my mom about how my day is going.
Is there no respect for privacy in this generation? Privacy is incredibly important and reading my texts over my shoulder is a violation of privacy. What if I'm typing a sensitive text? I deserve to have my texts be private. Most of the time, my texts aren't filled with sensitive information, but that still doesn't give anyone a right to read them without my consent.
This bothers me so much because I don't like sharing aspects of my personal life with random strangers on the bus or all of my friends. I never read someone's texts over their shoulder or even look to see what they're doing on their phone. That's THEIR business, not mine. I would never violate someone's privacy like that. If they want to share what they're doing on their phone, they will.