My major is Music Education and it is much more than you think.
This also goes for those other art majors, such as Theatre and Dance.
My major is Music Education, and I have countless of friends who are in the same major as I am and let me tell you one thing, It. Is. Not. Easy. Everyone thinks that all Music Majors do is sing in choirs all day and learn how to read music, well that’s not true.
I know that at Radford University, the credits to fulfill a Music Education degree is about 90 credits, over 4 years, and most majors are between 36 and 55. This doesn’t include having to take the Praxis test to become certified, or even getting your teaching license with that. This includes composition, conducting, vocal pedagogy, guitar/piano class, vocal/instrumental lessons, and other countless classes. I don’t just sit on my ass and bang on a piano and sing silly tunes all day, just like a dance major doesn’t just sit in front of a bar and do pliés all day. Art majors don’t just paint pretty rainbows at their desk, theater majors don’t just act all… wait yes, they do, BUT they still put in hard work.
It doesn’t matter if you’re a music major, a business major, a psychology major and a nursing major, you’re still putting in a lot of hard work, time, and money on your degree. It doesn’t matter what anyone else must say about your major, no one should be able to judge your degree and no one should think that they are better than you for it. If someone enjoys what they are doing or they are good at it, then there should be no critiquing of someone and their major. We’re all out here trying to better ourselves and our educations, college shouldn’t be a competition. We should be encouraging each other to do the best we can. No matter what, I'm still putting in the strong amount of effort and work towards my degree.
Also, don’t ask me what I’m going to do with my degree because chances are, I have a slight idea but I have no idea how I’m even going to find a job for it. I’m not getting my degree so I can see how much money I can make, I’m also not getting my degree so that I can just have something to do and have a piece of paper to hang on my wall. I’m getting my degree for me and only me.