Going into college, most students make the resolution that procrastination and staying up all night to compensate for the time wasted is a thing of the past. However, when that first term paper due date rolls around and what you've already written only amounts to a page and not even a half, just like all of your prior New Year's resolutions, this one gets tossed out the window.
It's okay, you messed up but you're going to get this done.
You'd think you would know better at this point. You had the assignment calendar from the first week of class, you knew this paper was coming, and yet here you are within 24 hours of the due date trying to finish it. You know what, other assignments come up, you overestimate what you've already done, it be like that sometimes. All you can do now is make sure it's done and in the submission box by 11:59 pm.
Here's the breakdown; only 350 words per hour and you'll be done no later than 2 am.
Alright, so you've got a plan of attack. If you keep to this schedule, you'll be done and then you can go to bed. 350 words... that's nothing! You've been writing for how long now? You'll be done sooner than you think and then you can go to bed
How is this only 129 words?!?
You've literally said everything you can think of, what else is there? It's okay, this is only the introduction, when you get to the body paragraphs there'll be more because of the sources.
Crap, I need more sources.
Whoops. You that you had everything you needed to support what you were saying, but here we are. Honestly, this is the most time-consuming part, once you get back to actually writing you'll be back on track.
Now I'm a little behind schedule, but I can still do it!
Okay, you're back! You're a little behind your projected word count, but if you shift into maximum overdrive you can catch up.
Power nap!
Your eyes are getting heavy and you can't even comprehend what you were trying to say in those last few sentences. You've been at this for a few hours now, maybe you should take a 15-minute nap to reset your brain. You'll feel refreshed afterward.
Okay, I've got four and half pages out of seven, I'll be done by 5 am at the latest.
Plot twist; you wake 15 minutes later than you were supposed and you don't feel any better. At, least you're making progress! A little more than halfway done, you're doing something right! The end is in sight, you can totally do this!
Why did I do this to myself?
Another half page and the fatigue is hitting you like a ton of bricks. You've been staring at a screen for hours, your eyes burn, your head is swimming, and honestly, you miss kindergarten. How on earth are you gonna pull another two pages out of your butt when you're not sure you could even tell where it is at the moment?
Do I really need a degree?
Bruh, is all this even really worth it? Like, for real, can you really do this for another seven semesters?
You know what, now I'm mad. I'll finish it by 5:30 if it kills me.
You know what, now it's personal. Two pages are not going to best me, I'm about to finish this paper and it's going to be great... and then I'm going to cry and go to sleep.