Alright, so as you are scrolling and reading this article, every few minutes take a second and look around. Look at what is happening around you, and what you are missing as you scrolled through your social media newsfeed and clicked on this article.
By all means, please keep reading, and then turn your phone off.
So listen, within the past few years electronics and social media have completely taken over our lives.
Like has INSANELY taken over.
Everything we do is for social media, everything we talk about revolves around social media. Every reference we have is from social media.
Now don't get wrong, social media is an amazing thing. As long as you don't let it take over your life.
Go to the gym without taking a selfie.
Go for a run and don't post about it on Facebook.
Go shopping and don't post it on your Snapchat story.
Go to that concert and leave your phone in your pocket the whole time.
Go out with your friends and leave your phone in the car.
Don't post about these moments, live in them. Let your eyes do the capturing, and let your brain keep the memories.
Don't post everything you do, because honestly nobody except your mom cares about the run you went on and the soup you had for lunch.
Call your mom instead of tagging her in your status.
Remove social media from your life, not completely, because believe me, I am an 18-year-old college girl, I know social media is important in all of our lives now. But weed out the unnecessary posting and screen time. Live your life, actually live it.