In today's media whether its about a celebrity feud, recent shootings, or regarding politics, we are always asked which side are we on. Are we team Swift or team Kimye? Are we republican, democratic, or independent? Are we getting the full story or are we just choosing based on one side?
Our opinions can change and shouldn't be limited to having one choice for the rest of our lives. Sometimes ones mistake can be very life altering, but that does not excuse their actions. That being said not every situation can be evaluated the same way either. In some situations both parties made mistakes. For instance the Taylor Swift vs. Kanye scandal both parties are seen being on the wrong side. It wasn't okay for Kim Kardashian to film/ record a phone call without permission from Swift, but on the other hand Swift has referenced many people in her own songs just like Kanye did. Although in the media there are more serious issues in the world than the conflict between celebrities.
One of those issues are political. In this current Presidential election is seems that if you voice your opinion on who you intend of vote for or even what party you identify with can cause drama, conflicts, and disputes. Personally, I agree with some points that the Republican party makes and some that the Democratic party makes and I can disagree with them too. Just because I can agree with one party does not mean I have to disagree with the other just because you cant have both. While voting you have to choose one side, but I personally don't choose to stick with one party for the rest of my life.
Another issue that has been plaguing this country is shootings. Mass shootings or shootings involving police officers have reached an all time high, some due to gun law control and others due to certain circumstances. I am in no way justifying shootings in general, but when you think about how the media is broadcasting these events, we are only given one side.
Whether its a video that someone shot it's often viewing the after math and not what happened before hand, others show how a situation could be handled differently, but me personally, I can't put every police shooting into one category or every police officer in one category. Police officers go through the academy and training in order to be given the job to put their lives on the line for us, some of who they don't know. I can not say how I would have handled a situation since I have never been in their shoes.
Lately all we have seen are the horrific graphic videos of police shootings, but we haven't seen any videos of police officers doing a good deed. This is a perfect example of why I don't choose a size. Not all cops are evil just like how not all civilians are evil. I'm no way justifying a shooting, because no shooting in my eyes is ever justified.
Picking sides might not seem like a big deal, but when every action as a reaction, certain topics, thoughts, or actions can get out of control. In my eyes, if this country does not understand that there is always a choice, than we are bound for more chaos.