Usually, when people think of college, they think of it in two distinct ways. They think of it as a bunch of nerdy students staying up
From my one semester at a big university, I realized that there are many different kinds of "partiers". There are the ones that can have a nice balance between getting drunk on the weekends and getting their work done in a timely manner. There are also the ones that will drink whatever is put in front of them, wherever, whenever, and given to them by whomever. It is not really my place to say that any of these types of people are wrong. I understand that going out and drinking is part of "the college experience", but I am completely content without drinking, getting caught by the cops, and wearing tiny crop tops to frat parties. It just isn't for me, and it isn't who I am. I can't imagine being so jam-packed in a frat house with a bunch of sweaty, smelly, drunk college kids. That just doesn't sound fun to me.
I feel like every time I talk to any adult and the topic of college comes up, they ask about the party scene. A few weeks ago, I was at the oral surgeon, sitting in the operating chair, ready to get my wisdom teeth removed. Before I was put under a strong anesthesia, the oral surgeon said, "So, you're a freshman in college?" Which I replied, "Yup." (My voice trembling because I was about to sh*t my pants due to the fact that this was my first surgery.) He then asked, "Oh, great. How are the frat parties down there?" And then, I didn't have a chance to reply because the anesthesia kicked in. But now that I think about it, seriously? The first question you ask is about parties? Not about what my major is, not about where I even go to school? I guess I may be one to judge, but most people, especially adults, just assume that I go to college to party, which is completely false.
Whenever I tell someone that I've never been to a college party, they find it hard to believe or they think I'm lying. But, I'm not lying, and it's not like I'm afraid to tell my mom about it. If anything, my mom would be the first to know if I actually did any of that stuff. Of course, I have been around alcohol, but I have just chosen not to drink it. I can feel the doubt from someone reading that statement, and they're probably thinking, "Really? A college student has been around alcohol and didn't drink any of it?!" Yup. I've been offered plenty of liquor, I've been asked to smoke weed, and I've always said no. Even though that may sound unheard of to you, it's the truth. I didn't have a desire to drink alcohol because I thought you didn't need to be drunk out of your mind in order to have fun.
I'm not against drinking in college, and I don't feel like I'm above anyone else because I choose not to drink; although, it is actually pretty bothersome when everyone gives you that "look" and asks why you don't drink in college. I just don't want to. I have my whole life ahead of me, and I don't want to ruin it by getting an underage or a DUI. Life is too precious to be ruined by underage drinking. No, this may not be your version of "the college experience" but it's mine. And I'm completely fine with it. This is my life, my decision, and I'm loving it. One Netflix-bingeing, chicken nugget eating night, on the rocks, coming right up.