So, we're more than a week into 2017 and I can only assume that many of you are working on your resolutions for the new year, whatever they may be. And, while I think the idea of making positive changes in your life is wonderful, I don't necessarily think it should take a new year to do it.
New Year's resolutions put so much pressure on everyone and, let's be honest, I'm pretty sure like 90% of them fall through anyway (don't quote me on this, I'm not a statistician). I think a big part of that is the extent of these goals. People have these beautiful ideas in there minds of what and where their lives should be, and they take drastic steps to make that dream come to fruition as quickly as possible. Along with not waiting for a date to make a change, you can alter those modifications you want to make.
I know I'm not saying anything revolutionary, but you can better yourself anytime you choose and they don't have to be drastic either. Making small changes like drinking an extra cup water a day than you usually do, or showering more, or saving a little more money every pay eventually add up and increase happiness. These little changes are what (I think) makes the most difference in the long run.
So, yeah, I'm not really sure if you could label the aforementioned "advice," but I like to see it more as "some random girl giving unwarranted opinions that may or may not help." In all honesty, though, I do think these steps, or tips, or whatever you'd call it could be really helpful in helping you finish out your whenever-time resolutions.