I don’t know when, where, or who made it happen, but at some time and someplace someone decided to make every woman feel as if she needs to be beautiful. And then the phrase “all women are beautiful” came about. I’m a woman so I have nothing against this because it’s true all women are beautiful.
Definition of beautiful:
[byoo-tuh-fuh l]
1.having beauty; possessing qualities that give great pleasure or satisfaction to see, hear, think about, etc.; pleasing the senses or mind aesthetically
2.excellent of its kind; very high standard
3.wonderful; very pleasing or satisfying
Here is the problem.
At times society as a whole decided to focus on one part of this definition. That beautiful is “Aesthetically pleasing,” basically... pretty. Let’s be honest when some says “you are beautiful” most of the time we automatically think they are talking about one thing, looks, physical appearance. Not how beautiful your soul is, or your personality, or all the other characteristics someone can have that can also be described as beautiful.
That’s when this whole thing becomes faulty because all women aren’t pretty. Think about it, would you say “all women are smart” or “all women are funny”? What about “all women are strong” or “all women are outgoing”? Those are all different characteristics different people possess. It’s no different than saying “all women have brown hair” or “all women have green eyes” which we obviously know isn’t true, and that is the same problem with saying all those other descriptors are universal. That’s why we should be striving to be proud of each unique trait we own as individuals. It’s what makes us, us.The sad part is our society makes all those characteristics seem less important than being pretty or “beautiful."
For me, I realize the compliments that really hit me are when someone says I’m funny or smart. It gives me these certain butterflies that the word beautiful can’t suffice. It means someone knows me more than just a face, but a person. That’s what we should be striving for. Knowing someone's soul, not just someone’s face.
Maybe if we all used beautiful the right way it would mean more. However, I don’t see that perception of the word changing.
So here is just some food for thought, start thinking about women as all be amazing human beings, but not all beautiful. Recognize differences, compliment originality, and realize what makes you who you are. Being ambitious, personable, brilliant, confident, funny, sincere, respectful, thoughtful, willing, and everything in between is just as important as being “beautiful.”