I'm used to having a car to take me to point A to B when ever I wish, but now I am in a new city without my dear car and I have to rely on alternative forms of transportation. As my feet will only take me so far, I've had to learn the ways of public transportation. So there are a few things everyone stuck on the literal struggle bus know.
1. It's a rough ride
Seriously though, hold on to those rails and brace yourself for speed bumps, curbs, sharp turns and sudden stops.
2. There's always that one guy that no one wants to sit with
Sometimes it's for the best when no one want's to sit with you.
3. It can get pretty crowded
Ugghhhh so many people in my bubble!
Pedestrians beware
5. Don't be late
The bus waits for no one
6. It's a great place to listen to music
For any commute whether it's on foot, the car or the bus, I need my music to get me ready for the day
7. There's always one obnoxious person on the phone
This is why you need headphones
8. You can always stare out the window when you're bored.
You can look at the scenery or just think about life.
9. Double deckers always have the best view
If you have a choice between sitting on the main level or upstairs, you go upstairs.
10. The bus is a germ sanctuary.
Always bring hand sanitizer when you travel
11. Keep track of bus routes
It's a crazy system but it's pretty satisfying when you figure it out.