Well, we have gotten past Christmas, and now the start of the New Year is approaching - the time where everyone will be thinking of New Year Resolutions to make. These are things they want to change about themselves, whether it be physical or mentally, everyone has something. However, it has been proven that resolutions rarely last. It is unarguable fact, the statistic below prove that 3/4 of people keep their resolution no longer than a week. Which would explain why the percentages continue to decrease because it takes at least 21 days to form a new habit so quitting your resolution in a week in is setting yourself up to fail.
Resolution maintained through first week | 75 % |
Past two weeks | 71 % |
Past one month | 64 % |
Past six months | 46 % |
(www.StaticBrain.com, New Year Resolutions, 2016)
But the lack of continuing the resolutions could be contributed to the resolutions that people are making, not fully from lack of perseverance.
1 | Lose Weight |
2 | Getting Organized |
3 | Spend Less, Save More |
4 | Enjoy Life to the Fullest |
5 | Staying Fit and Healthy |
6 | Learn Something Exciting |
7 | Quit Smoking |
8 | Help Others in Their Dreams |
9 | Fall in Love |
10 | Spend More Time with Family |
These were the top 10 resolutions the average person was making going into 2016. The "lose weight " and "staying fit and healthy" are the most common ones, and perhaps the most realistic ones. Let's be real, what would you do if your resolution was to "fall in love?" Do you just wake up on January 1st and go out and be like, today is a good day to find a random stranger to fall in love with? No it doesn't work that way.
No wonder why the majority of resolutions fail when they are as silly as "fall in love." You can't decide those things, and honestly the resolutions that are based around helping other people with their dreams, doing exciting things, living life to the fullest all come back to one thing. Being happy with YOURSELF. For if you are happy with the person you are all those other things will fall in place.
So this year instead of making resolutions for they are temporally make goals. Make goals based on what makes you happy, what you want in life, and how you are planning on getting it. A resolutions is normally just a good intended statement with no plan, but goals are ones that have stepping stones each helping you get to the final destination. And frankly, you should always be making new goals for if yourself. For goals help you grow and better your self and if you not doing that your not truly living. It is okay to fail with goals, it is okay for your goals to take different directions, or to take the road less traveled to achieve them. All that matters is that you accomplish them, who cares if it takes you a months or years.
So this year don't make resolutions - achieve goals!