There are thousands of college majors out there. If you’re lucky enough to find your passion, then you know it’s like finding The Holy Grail. Some people change their majors three, four, even five times throughout college. Luckily, for me, I’ve found a major that I love with my first pick. I am a Communication major and I’m excited to find a career in my field because I am really enjoying the classes that I’m taking during my time in college. I feel truly blessed to have found a major that I’m interested in, even though I don’t know exactly what I want to do and where I want to go with it (I’ll figure that out later).
While it’s great for me that I love my major, apparently it’s not so great for other people. Sadly, I’ve heard multiple times how my major is “easy” and I’m not doing “real work” in my classes. It’s like when you find a sport that you really love and you’re working as hard as you can to be the best at it, and somebody comes along and tells you that your sport isn’t as difficult as other ones, so your hard work doesn’t mean as much. After you’ve bought all the equipment, dedicated all that time, and practiced as hard as you could and realized that it’s the one for you, it’s all just crushed by some backhand comment. That’s how I feel about my major. I am in love with my major and I can’t wait to see all of the opportunities that I’ll hopefully have in the future.
So when somebody makes a little comment saying, “My classes are way harder than that” or “That’s easy compared to what I have to do” or whatever, it hurts. It’s personally offensive because I struggle in my classes sometimes. When my workload gets belittled because its "simple," I feel as though I must just be an idiot. Maybe I’ve chosen this major because I’m afraid to challenge myself? Maybe I know that I can do better but I’m afraid to try and fail? I ask myself these questions whenever the complicated-ness of my major is questioned. I feel like I should change my major to something in science or math, so I won’t have to deal with people telling me that I’m not actually working hard. I should just switch it to something more "practical," where there’s physical work, proof, and evidence instead of theories and such.
But then I think about why I have picked the major that I have. I genuinely enjoy learning in my classes. I don’t always love physically going to school, but I love getting my education. I don’t think I’d be as enthusiastic if I’d chosen something in science or math, because that’s just not me, it’s not the right fit. I’ve chosen a career path that I’m actually excited for.
If someone belittles your major, realize that they’re probably just stressed with theirs right now. They might be going through something kind of difficult in their classes and to them, what you’re learning doesn’t compare. And that’s okay. Every major is an important major, because there are so many jobs out there that require different sets of skills. Every major is difficult at some parts and fun at others, that’s the way that life is. People might not understand why you’re in the major that you’re in, but what you do in your life isn’t for other people, it’s for you and you alone. If you’ve found your passion, then you should run with it and don’t let anyone take it away.