I’ve never been a huge fan of running. I played soccer my whole life so I was just used to it, but when I was forced to run I hated it. Now being in college and not being involved in sports I have come to love working out on my own but still dislike running. I love the feeling of a post workout after your adrenaline is rushing and your endorphins are being released but running. Running sucks but I do it anyways.
Many people say if you don’t love running then don’t do it. Simple as that. But, I do it anyways. Now you're probably asking me why I run.
I run because mentally and physically it helps me (Yes,I feel like I’m dying and I can't breathe, but that doesn’t stop me). Running seems to be the one thing that helps clear my head. I forget about my stress and just focus on running and what’s ahead. Even on days when I have so much to do and stressed out about school, I still go to the gym. Going for a long run makes me feel a million times better. Yes, that means I have to catch up on homework and study, but mentally and physically I felt better. This idea of a runners high is proven to be true and then puts you in a better mood.
Physically, I run because of all the benefits. A longer life, a healthier life. Running improves your health, can help you lose weight, puts you in a better mood and can help with mental illness as long as physical. It can also strength your joints, legs, and your core. Running is shown to lower your blood pressure, another great benefit. Sleep better after a run? You bet. Need energy? Go for a run it can increase your energy and lower your fatigue.
Not only do you have physical benefits but mental benefits from running as well. You're more positive after a post-run, your memory gets a boost, your self-esteem is better, and you leave with a natural glow. There are so many benefits to running and even working out in general, I won't name all of them but this is just an idea.
So, no I don’t love running, I don’t sign up for races, or marathons, etc. But, I do run for myself and my body and my mind. I know that my hard work of kicking my butt to run is only going to benefit me. I don’t run all the time, I like to mix it up and lift weights or box but when I do run I know that I’ll feel amazing afterwards.