Quit making someone a priority when they only make you an option.
Emotionally draining people can come in a variety of forms: a family member that takes advantage of your loyalty, a friend whose friendship is becoming more one sided by the day, or your significant other that doesn't value or respect you. It's seems crazy that you could entertain and tolerate someone that brings you so much pain simply because you love them. And to think, I thought love was supposed to be a mutual thing.
You give that person loyalty, countless opportunities to improve, and patience while they simply give you excuses, stress, and drama. There comes a point where you have to sit back and see things for how they truly are. You're losing your mind, peace, and self over someone that couldn't care less. I know you love them but it's time to put yourself first. As much as you want someone in your life, at the end of the day, they may not belong there.
You can live without them
You came into this world alone (unless you're a multiple) and you will die alone. As grim as that sounds, the moral is that you can live without people. You don't need them to survive, you just want them. If you break up with your boyfriend or cut ties with a family member or friend there is a great chance that you will be sad and you will likely miss them. However, there is a 100% chance that you will live through it. Your lungs will still function, your heartbreak will repair itself with time, and you will grow from it. You don't need the help, presence or approval of others to move you through life. You need inner strength and confidence.
They don't define you
People will treat you the way you allow them to but it doesn't make it right. Just because someone fails to see and appreciate all that you have to offer, it doesn't mean that you are lacking or not enough. Someone's opinion of you is just that... an opinion. Your worth, beauty, and future are dictated by you and no one else.
Don't let time make you comfortable with dysfunction
"I've been doing this for so long." Don't let time be your reason for staying in a bad situation. It doesn't matter if you've accepted an unhealthy relationship for 2 years, you shouldn't want to make it 3. Time is a valuable thing and, when it's wasted, you can never get it back. Make the decision today to move in a healthier and happier direction. Forget the routine and do what's right for you.
Forgiveness is key
Forgive that person even if they aren't sorry. Most importantly, forgive yourself for dealing with it all. It's sometimes harder than Hell to do but remember that forgiveness has nothing to do with the other person. Forgiveness is for you and your inner peace. Don't simply forgive and forget. Forgive and grow and learn from it.
Love and value yourself
You can't truly or whole heartedly love someone else if you don't love yourself first. Take time to focus on the positive things in your life and find beauty in yourself and the world around you. Life is what you make it and your future is dependent on your persistence and outlook. Respect yourself, know your worth, and demand that others follow suit. You deserve only the best, accept nothing less.