Before you get your panties in a wad saying, "Oh you must not want kids then?" No, actually you're wrong, I do want children but mine will know how to act in public places and around people. I also won't be that asshole parent who lets their kid scream in the restaurant or store uncontrollably without taking them outside.
Person: "Do you like kids?"
Me: "No, but some day I would like to have a family of my own. I just hate the sounds of children screaming, it irritates me to no end."
Person: *poker face*
Do you enjoy hearing other peoples children scream when you're trying to have a nice date night or a nice family dinner out? If you answered "no" to the previous question, some part of you doesn't like kids either. No, screaming children do not come with the job of being a parent. As a parent you are supposed to teach your child right from wrong and scold them when necessary.
When I hear a screaming child in my work place or anywhere out in public, I literally steer clear and hope that parent will take care of their child, but in reality, most do not and just let their child continue to scream like someone is murdering them. If you let your child do that in a store, you are the problem.
It is probably the fact that I am the baby in my family and did not have the "pleasure" of dealing with a screaming baby myself or the fact that maybe its because I am only 19 years old. Since I want to work in a hospital, people ask me all the time if I plan on working with children because I would be "good with them," and when I tell them no, that I don't like kids, it's like I told them I strangle puppies in my free time. It's not that deep.
Yes, one day I do plan on having a family of my own and having probably about 3 children, but now I have no plan on that and don't want anything to do with them. So the next time someone tells you that they don't like children, please refrain from giving them the stank look, some people just don't want to start popping out babies as soon as they reach adulthood.