2016 is probably one of the most controversial and nerve-wracking election years anyone, currently living in America, has experienced. I mean, our only palpable options are a lying woman or a rude man. Neither of which are Presidential material in my opinion.
I won't lie and tell you I'm some political guru and that I have all the facts. It's actually just the opposite because honestly I am one of the least political people you'll ever meet. I don't spend 6 hours watching Fox news, rearrange my schedule for the debates, or argue with someone at the grocery store over foreign policies.
But come November, I will have to make a choice. And here's why I'm voting for a man I don't like:
1. He professes faith in God.
Now, I know that Donald Trump is not the most accurate example of what it looks like to follow Christ. He, at least, claims to be a Christian. An open heart is something that can easily be infiltrated by God's love and guidance and I believe that if it is God's will to bless America with Trumps's presidency that He will soften Trump's heart to hear God speak.
2. He is pro-life.
Say it's silly all you want. I may not be political but I am ethical and abortion is one of the most unethical practices allowed in this country. If it truly were "her body", then she's the one that would die during the abortion. It's not her body, it's the baby's body. If trump follows through with his statements, there would be one less form of evil in America.
3. He isn't hell-bent on taking guns away.
I am not a gun owner (yet). Nor have I ever been one. But I am a female who sometimes feels threatened or scared when my husband isn't home. With the way this world is going, I am beginning to even feel nervous going to any major city. I should have the right to protect myself.
I have lived in the south my entire life where nearly everyone owns a gun, and never have I felt threatened by your average gun owner. Do you know why? Because having a gun doesn't make you a killer, not knowing the value of life does. Just think, if even one person at the Pulse night club would have been carrying a gun, imagine how much faster that terrorist would have gotten out of there. Taking guns away from law abiding citizens is not the answer to the problem, and I believe Trump knows that.
4. Anything's better than Hillary.
I know that's harsh but I mean, come on, America. Weigh your options. I know there's no Ronald Regan or George Washington in this race, but there is still hope. Our duty is to get in the voting booth, and, considering our options, make a choice that will honor God. Our responsibility then is to pray for our country and it's new leader and trust that if it's God's will, He will take care of us.