Do you ever come home and look around, just to see that there are is pile of dishes waiting for you, the laundry is overflowing and there is trash everywhere? Sometimes when you get off work you just want to see everything cleaned and all your work caught up so you can just relax.
It's hard to let go of the stress in your life. People say the little things in life don't matter, but when you see those dishes and laundry you can't help but be stressed by that as well. Most people don't understand that the little things are what make or break you. If you've had a rough day at work and you come home to everything being cleaned, then you're obviously going to start feeling better and less stressed.
For those of you though who have a hard time letting go, try to focus on the small things in your life that make you happy. Do you have pets? focus on them. Do you have a hobby? focus on that. It's easy to let that stress overwhelm us. For example: You're working two jobs, taking five college classes and trying to keep your house cleaned. Seems simple, right? Well it starts to become overwhelming when you have homework piling up, the stress from your jobs coming home with you, and then seeing your house is messy.
At this point you need to make this decision: What can you eliminate from your life that will help you become less stressed? Is it cleaning the dishes in the morning so you don't come home to them at night? or Is it reducing the amount of work you do? Most people feel as if they can't do anything about their stress. Well I'm here to tell you this secret; you CAN do something about it.
Life is too short to be stress and overwhelmed all the time. You need to make the necessary changes in your life to make you happy and healthy. Focus on the small things first. What can you do with those small things to make your life a little bit easier? Once you've done that, you'll already notice that you aren't feeling as overwhelmed as before. If that still didn't help your stress, then start focusing on where that main source of stress is coming from. Once you figure that out, then make those changes.
I promise you this, your life will be more enjoyable once you've made those changes and aren't overwhelmed anymore. Yes, you will still have stress in your life but once you know how to manage it, life becomes a little bit easier. You will be able to come home and see those dirty dishes and not be bothered by them.
Live your life knowing that you can overcome your stress and you can have a relaxing day. You are in control of your life and you can make decisions on how to control your stress. Just remember one thing from this though: if I can do it, so can you.