I told myself that I would not write another article about the election after my last. That was before the way this nation has acted this past week. I am embarrassed and sad for the people of the United States because they cannot separate passion and respect.
These past few days has brought many emotions for everyone. For me, I was happy at first because I knew there was going to be less of a threat to the United States with our new president. Next, I was disappointed in how the nation reacted to the news. Lastly, I've just been so sad to see this nation sink to levels I never thought it would.
There are passionate people going about protesting or speaking about the election the right way but there are big, influential groups doing the wrong thing. I am all for passion. Passion makes people listen and gets things done. This election is based around passionate, dedicated people.
I was proud to call the people of this nation around me my fellow Americans but now I am close to ashamed of "my fellow Americans." I want the American People to feel like they have a voice and that they are heard, however, when American flags are burned, riots are started, and vulgar words are used, I cannot stand by and say nothing.
Your passion for the way you feel about our future president does not get to turn into disrespect for him and half of this nation.The people that voted for him are not racist, homophobic, bigots. They are Americans that are ready for a change in Washington. They are people that were afraid of this nation being ran for another four years under liberal beliefs. They are human beings just like you that want respect and understanding. I don't want anyone thinking that I am not sympathetic or understanding of their feelings but I do think there is a better way to express the way you're feeling than violence or vulgarity.
I like to think that if the election had gone the other way, Republicans and anyone else that was unhappy with the verdict would be reacting in a much more respectful way. These violent protests and ill-mannered words against the man that will become our new president on January 20th are simply repulsive.
If you have the passion about the election and our new president, by all means protest and speak your mind (thats your right!) but do not let that passion cross a line to disrespect. No matter how I feel about anything in this world I am careful to respect all sides even through my passion.
I hope this nation can come together to "Make America Great Again."