Do things people tell you that you can’t do.
You see a dance flyer hanging on the school bulletin walls. You’ve always wanted to dance but you’ve been too busy with other clubs and classes. Now here’s your opportunity, but something stops you. It isn’t a person but something in your brain that is telling you not to pursue it, telling you that you aren’t good enough. Now perhaps people in the past have told you, you weren’t good enough. But those people are in the past. Some of the best things in life is doing the things we are told we can’t do and I am not talking about stealing. I am talking about proving people wrong.
It’s the best feeling in the world when someone tells you that you can’t do something and you prove him or her wrong such as a professor or a friend telling you that you can’t do the work or fit in that dress. Then a few years later you are doing work in that field or you know lost a few pounds and are wearing that dress to a dance.
Never tell someone they can’t do something because you met end up regretting it. Don’t be quick to judge and work on yourself before judging others. It is important to work on your own self-esteem before other people’s self-esteem. Take care of yourself first. Don’t let what people tell you define who you are.
Work hard towards your dream and if you let people define your dream you are letting them defining your destiny. People are limiting your dreams because those are their limits. Be your own person. If you like hanging out with a person and your other friend doesn’t like them that’s too bad for them. You don’t have to talk about that friend to other. Just avoid the topic but you can still be friends with them. Just because someone says not to do something doesn’t mean you can’t do it.
Sometimes the right thing is always listening to what people say. It’s doing your own thing. You define the truths. Just stay true to your dreams, values and friends and family and the rest will come easily or maybe not so easily. Everyone’s journeys are different and you must learn to respect that. Defend what you believe in and never lose hope. Fight for your dreams and never let them go.