I was procrastinating my Chemistry studying the other night by scrolling down into the infinite abyss of all things inspiration, otherwise known as Pinterest. I came across a quote that stuck to me hard, grabbed on to my brain, and snaked its way into my soul all at once. That's how I know I found a diamond in a rough. The words are simple, understated, and seemingly lackluster. Yet underneath the surface, they hold so much more, and these are those words; "Don't let your life live you."
I read this quickly, saving it automatically to my "words" board. When I looked a little longer, I realized just how directly those words had hit the nail on the head. Personally, I feel like my life spreads on before me like an open road, unknown to anyone, especially me. That feeling is extremely daunting, and life can feel like it's living you. It seems like that empty road is winding on its own account, not upon my own. But this feeling is due to the wrong perception of life.
Instead of feeling as though our roads are already mapped out for us, we need to remember that we can create our path in our own life. Even if you have had your career goals decided since birth-which is a crazy feat that I certainly can not claim to have sorted out your life is still yours to decide. No matter whether your parents are pushing you towards a doctorate or a degree from a prestigious law school, you get to ultimately decide what makes you passionate and alive. If Med school doesn't really float your boat, that's okay. Take some time to reflect and make these wildly big life decisions.
Now, anyone who knows me knows that I need to take my own advice. I am in a state of limbo between medicine or a field entirely opposite. I need to sit myself down, figure out what makes me fired up and ready to go, and what really fuels my motivation to live life to the fullest. Though this sounds entirely too intimidating a task, it is one that needs to be faced head-on. We shouldn't be afraid to pave our own paths and fulfill our own dreams. Life is all about you-it molds to you, it folds to your whims. So with that being said, I say it's time we start living this life we were given instead of letting it live us.