I’ve learned a lot in my years in the world. I’ve learned so much about myself, about what I want to do with my life, and I’ve learned a lot of words in the English language. Apparently “no” isn’t one of those words.
I’ve always been a caring person. I’ve always put others before myself. I just want everyone to be happy. I’ve never looked at this as a bad thing, until recently. How drained I have made myself over the last few months is ridiculous, and it’s all because I want to continue to make everyone else happy before myself. So if you’re anything like me, keep the following in mind.
1. It is totally OK to put yourself first sometimes.

2. It’s not selfish.
3. No one will hate you for remembering to think about yourself.
4. Your mental state comes first.
5. You can retake that really hard class.
6. Or maybe there will even be an exam to make up for it.
7. And you can say no to your friends.
8. They’ll still be your friends.

9. Your happiness is not based on the happiness of others.
10. Making others happy will bring joy into your life.
11. But it is not the only way to be happy.
12. Remember yourself.

13. You are important.
14. Do little things to make your heart happy.
15. Buy yourself your favorite coffee.
16. Treat yourself to a relaxing day.

17. Put aside your priorities for a half hour.
18. Do some yoga. Meditate.

19. Take care of yourself.
20. Eat well.
21. Go to the gym, even if it’s only for a little at first.
22. Healthy is happy.
23. Say no.
24. It will be OK.
25. You can’t do everything.
26. There’s only so much time in the day.
27. So say no.
28. Don’t overcommit yourself.
29. Don’t feel bad when you say no either.
30. Because sometimes you just have too much.

31. Don’t lose yourself in making others happy.
32. Because that’s how you’ll lose your own happiness.
33. Allow yourself to do something for you.
34. Allow yourself to be happy.

35. You can’t make everyone happy.
36. It’s simply not possible.
37. So don’t try so hard.
38. Breathe.
39. I know it’s hard to think about yourself.
40. But learn to.
41. Take one day at a time.

42. Still do what you can for others.
43. Because that’s who you are.
44. Just don’t lose yourself or your happiness in the process.
45. And always remember to love yourself.
46. You’re the only you this world has.
47. And that’s pretty awesome.

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