Going to college is a lot of hard work. There are a lot of nights where you aren't sure if your body will function to get you out of bed the next morning. But, it is worth it because you are doing something you love, and meanwhile you are learning about yourself without your parents and with a whole new group of people. You should not just go to college solely for the purpose of getting a job. Yes, it is important that you are employed after spending thousands of dollars on a good education, but it shouldn't be your main focus.
1. Pick a major you LOVE
You are going to spend so much time doing projects and working on papers, and you really need to stay focused and committed! Having a major you hate will make you resent the work you are doing.
2. Get involved in campus activities
Don't just sit in your room doing homework and watching Netflix every night; get social! There are so many clubs and social events. Have movie nights, carpool and have a late night Walmart excursion, JUST SAY YES.
3. Get to know your Professors and take advantage of campus resources
If you don't take advantage of that then you are wasting your money; you're paying a lot so you better get your money's worth. Email your prof, go to the library, get help with your paper. All of the things in place to help you academically should be actively used!
4. Work Hard
Don't just do the bare minimum and have a motto 'D is for degree'. Try to take something away from your classes, even if it is philosophy and you think it is pointless to debate about if you are really dreaming right now and if that table is really in front of you.