I think it is pretty obvious to say that people will always have differentiating opinions on pretty much everything. Within the past year, these strong opinions that many of us have, have sort of spiraled things out of control in more ways than one. We ended up with two presidential candidates who were equally unpopular, but at the same time extremely popular with very different crowds of people. Many people felt very strongly about who they thought was the best person for the job and also, about who they seriously disliked and were horrified to see in the white house. Along the way, we somehow forgot about one important thing...People are allowed to have different opinions.
We have forgotten that these things we strongly believe in are opinions, not facts. Despite what some may believe, there is a difference. I fully accept that although I strongly believe in something, that does not make it a fact. It is simply something that I think and I believe in which I would like those around me to respect, whether they agree with me or not. I have also accepted the fact that not everyone is going to have the same views and opinions about certain issues as I have, and that's completely okay with me. Honestly, I like hearing the opinions of others. I want to hear other perspectives on serious issues and what makes some people think differently than I do. If I still don't agree with them in the end, that's okay too. I don't have to agree with other people's opinions, just like they have no obligation to agree with mine. I would never tell anyone they are wrong for thinking the way they do just because I don't think the same way.
The saddest thing about this country right now, in my opinion, is not who our new president is. It is the fact that we are divided. Even though the election is over and done with, Donald Trump is our president, and it is what it is, we are still divided as a nation. Instead of coming together as one and hoping that things work out for the best (whether you are a Trump fan or not), we are protesting and fighting with each other. Personally, I thought all of the fighting was ridiculous and childish before the election happened, but it definitely should have ended when the election did. Unfortunately, it may have gotten worse instead. Friendships and relationships of all kinds have been ruined all because we cannot seem to accept that we all have different opinions. It has gotten so personal for some people that they have actually cut friends and family out of their lives over politics.
My question for everyone who has allowed these differences in political opinions to ruin their relationships is, was it worth it? Is all of the fighting about things we can't change with people you supposedly care about worth it? Is it worth the loss of friendships and relationships and family members? I don't see how it possibly could be. I do have different opinions than some people in my life do, but I have not let that affect my relationships with them and I could not imagine ever doing so. For example, my boyfriend and I voted for two different candidates in the presidential election and it has not affected our relationship at all. We had two different opinions and that's fine. We should all be accepting each other's views and coming together as one, not getting angry and pushing each other away.
In the end, no matter what your opinions, I refuse to judge anyone based on their political views. You have a right to your own opinions, as do I. That does not make any of us bad people and it does not mean that we can't have relationships with each other because we don't have the same opinions on everything. Honestly, does anyone really have absolutely everything in common with someone else? No. It's impossible. Our differences in our opinions are supposed to be what makes us unique, not what makes us hate others.