This world is technologically savvy and there is nothing wrong with that.
The problem is that this world doesn't remember what it is like to disconnect and live in the present. Everywhere you go, people are constantly on their cellular devices doing who knows what. But at the end of the day, they are completely avoiding the present world around them.
We can all say we are guilty of hiding behind our phones. Whether it is walking from class to class and not feeling like talking to anyone so we pretend to be on our phones or if you get into an argument with a friend and you're too scared to talk to them in person that you just text them as if it will solve any of your issues.
These tactics phones have given us to hide is genius but is causing many social problems. People don't want to talk to anyone in person anymore, everything is through a phone. This is stopping us humans from having personal interactions and its not good.
Hiding behind your phones is a sign of weakness, you should be able to stand up for yourself or say hello to someone walking past you. In 10 years you are going to look back at your time spent in college, high school, life and you are going to regret living behind your screen.
This world is a beautiful place and we should want to live our life to the fullest and living in our phones won't get us there. Every day you should take time to yourself and disconnect from your device. At night time you should put your phone on the other side of the room, set an alarm, if need be, but put your phone on do not disturb. In the morning, try not to automatically check your social media accounts, I promise nothing that important happened overnight and if it did you would already know by now.
Grab a nice lunch or dinner and leave your phone in the car. Talk to the people at the table, bond with them. Life is way too short for you to just sit on your phone and gain nothing valuable out of it. You living through your phone is simply just you not making memories that could last a lifetime.
Disconnect, don't hide and live in the present. It's worth it, trust me.