After the past 13 years, you are finally completed with high school. No more 8 hour days, grueling class work, or extra curricular activities you have to worry about. You're especially ecstatic to not have to engage in social interactions with people who aren't even considered your friends where it really counts. Time to finally start a future career and start working. Who needs college?
Yep, you heard me correctly. Definitely sounds like I skipped a step in most peoples' career path right there.
Ever since the beginning of my high school days I knew I was college bound, and from there on out I made sure I was preparing myself for my future. I crowded my schedule with AP classes and extra curricular activities to make sure I was a competitive applicant for my schools of choice. Luckily enough my hard work paid off for one of my dream universities that I currently reside in.
Contrary to popular belief, many people from my high school never even dreamed about going to college. It blew my mind to see my friends struggling to even find out what they want to be when they grew up as that time was approaching quicker with the remaining days we had left, let alone not go to college knowing how much I wanted to. Some people didn't even I wouldn't judge them as much as I would be worried about them. What would they make of themselves? How would they actually make a living?
When college began for me I soon opened my eyes and realized why some people do not prefer college. First off, it is a persons' own personal choice to do whatever the hell they want with their lives, whether it be getting a degree or starting right into their career and building up their foundation from there. If that is what makes them happy, so be it. Why get a degree you don't even want if it's not going to give you pure joy walking across the stage after four years? Both of my parents never got a degree in any field but they are still happy with their occupations at this point in their lives.
Although many of you reading this article may be college bound or even in college at this moment, please make sure you are doing it for all the right reasons. The degree you are obtaining is important but make sure it is important to you at this given time. You should be going to college to make something out of yourself to your fullest potential, but if you feel like you are not reaching that state, then maybe rethink the choices for your future.
College is not always the answer for everyone and that is okay. Everyone is riding along their own path at their own pace; sometimes it can be similar to ours and sometimes it can be completely different. I have finally realized that going to college does not correlate towards your success rate in life, and you should realize that too.