In a few short months, I graduate college. Which means in a few short months I begin "adulting." The real world just keeps getting closer and closer. I will tell you right now, that I honestly do not know what I want to do with my life. I have ideas, but nothing that is set in stone. I am not sure if I want to do something related to my majors or to go into a field completely different. I am not sure if I want to move back to my hometown or if I want to try a city I have never even been to. And this is okay. I am positive that I have said many similar things at different points leading up to now about different circumstances and in every case everything has turned out fine in the end.
Many people think that at this point I should have my life completely figured out and follow the societal path step by step to lead me to a successful future. First, you graduate college, then you get a job straight out of college, move out of your parent's house, get married and have children. But in today's world, this is becoming much less realistic. Not everyone follows this plan, in fact, it is becoming less and less common. There are so many options and I truly believe that God has a plan, and what is meant to be will happen. Not everyone is made to follow the path, and many people take different approaches to create their own path through life.
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So, if you are like me, take a deep breath, and relax. In the end, everything will be okay and you will end up where you are supposed to be, doing what you are supposed to be doing. The key is to remain open to different options and to remain positive. This has worked for me in the past, and I believe that it will continue to do so in the future.