Everyone is right when they say college is a time to find yourself.
I graduated high school with a plan; graduate under four years with my brother, go to graduate school in hopes of getting my Ph.D. in under five years and start working in a law firm working with convicted criminals. If you didn't know, I'm a Psychology major minoring in Neuroscience and Criminology and I had the plans of getting my Ph.D. in Forensic Psychology.
But during the past two years that I've been in college, my hopes and dreams have all become an ongoing rollercoaster ride of maybe this, maybe that, and somedays.
It also doesn't help that I'm a full-time student who commutes two hours a day and also works Monday through Friday. Days get shorter, stress becomes more, and time runs out.
Honestly, I feel like I'm getting my degree in stress, not psychology.
But maybe that's the beauty of life; deciding, changing our minds, and changing them again.
I've come to realize a lot about myself, my life, and what I want from all of it. But nothing is set in stone in life.
I've learned to not put high expectations into people and materialistic things because they're just that - human beings and objects. I've learned that everything is temporary in this life and that's okay.
The best thing I can do for myself, in the midst of the rollercoaster I call my life at the moment, is set my mind on things above (Colossians 3:2).
It's simple, really. I have the creator of the world, the king of kings, and the almighty selfless God fighting for me in my corner. He's on my side, no matter the battles or wars I may face when trying to figure out what my next move is (Romans 8:31).
All I need to do is be still, and enjoy the rollercoaster of life (Exodus 14:14).