I don't hate you. How can I hate someone I haven't even met? I can barely hate someone I have met and known for years who has done unforgivable things. I don't hate you. I actually really want to be your friend.
For me, I have never understood why people will hate Muslims, Christians, gays, lesbians, transgenders, cops, anyone really that they haven't met. How do you know you hate them? You haven't met them. You don't know them as a person, yet you say you hate them. I don't hate people, I dislike them. I hate situations. I hate that people are judged because of their religion or their sexual orientation, or lack thereof in some situations.
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Let me tell you a little about myself. I am agnostic. I grew up Christian and slowly strayed away from it once I hit high school. I'm very open about so many topics that many try to not talk about. I stand up for everyone. I've traveled some. I went to Dubai for three weeks. I go to a college where there are many international students. I have many traits that usually result in: you're such a good Christian, simply because my ideals are similar, if not pretty exact, to those of Christianity. The reason I'm not Christian is because I've looked at and researched other religions just because I was curious. I believe in a higher power but not one certain God. I respect those of other religions. I respect those of other lifestyles than myself simply because it's none of my business what someone does.
These labels we give people are just that: Labels. Labels are separating us as a group of people. I'm not saying you have to convert to Muslim or Christianity or Hinduism or become gay or anything. I'm saying get to know who someone is. See that not all Muslims are terrorists (rather, there are those that are extremists). See that those that are part of the LGBTQ community are amazing individuals who are so caring, yet get so much hate for being who they are.
I have many friends who are part of the LGBTQ community. They are so much fun to be around. I'm also an ally to the community. I'm still learning more and more from my friends every day and it makes me happy. I understand that not always will someone who has not met me will trust me right away or anything but I still let them know that I'm there.
When it comes to the topic of Muslims and everyone thinking they are all terrorists, I'm here to say they aren't. I have many great friends who are Muslim. I've traveled to the United Arab Emirates, a Muslim country. My campus has a large Muslim population, and they put on events with housing and residence life to help educate and share their culture. Only the extremists are terrorists. Every religion has extremists but not all of that religion are terrorists.
So I ask this of anyone who reads this. Try to actually meet someone that's Muslim, gay, whatever that you feel that is a "label" that you hate and actually get to know them. You'll realize that that is not the case. You'll see things a bit differently. I know not everyone will actually try but I try to learn something new every day or at least better myself in some way. Meet someone new who you don't think you would usually get along with. You may be surprised.