On Valentine's Day, almost every single lady or couple went to go see Fifty Shades Darker, and ever since the movie came out I have heard complete opposite views from people saying "BEST. MOVIE. EVER" to "that was the worst thing I have ever seen." Of course, I had to see for myself because I thought Fifty Shades of Grey was the bomb. So like every other girl out there I went to see the movie on Valentine's Day with my girlfriends, and it was incredible.
I think the main reason people hate on the Fifty Shades series is because, one, they have not read the books and two, they cannot handle the uncomfortable sex scenes. I get it. Some of the scenes I even don't feel mature enough for, and I just have to make a big, fat joke about what's happening on the screen. I also have not read the books, but I always know the books are better than the movies, and I plan to read them before Fifty Shades Freed comes out next year. I don't understand how people cannot see the awesome plot and scandals that happen between Christian and Anastasia. Granted, the first movie was a lot of sex and little plot, but the second one was FULL of plot twits. I'm pretty sure I screamed at one point in the theater from how unexpected things were. Also another reason not to hate is because all of the movies have the best soundtracks. Another thing that makes the movie low-key hilarious is that Anastasia is every girl. Her reactions to everything Christian asks or makes her do are priceless. Honestly, these movies never disappoint and they really remind me of the Twilight films which were a huge hit, so lighten up people.
Get out to the movies and go be the judge of this for yourself. You still might not like this, or this might be your new go-to movie. Just remember to go in with an open mind, don't bring your parents and don't be afraid to laugh the uncomfortableness off. Embrace your inner freakiness and accept how hot Christian Grey is especially when he does pull-ups in one scene.