Most people don't know that giving milk to a cat is actually harmful to them. The myth we know about cats and milk stuck with us thanks to cartoon shows and comics. Before social media, we got our "common-sense knowledge" from the shows we saw. We grew up thinking two of cats favorite treats are tuna and milk.
We were half right.
Though cats enjoy drinking milk, it isn't always good for the majority of adult cats. This myth of cats drinking milk came from their love of cream. When milk comes directly from the cow, the cream rises to the top and creates a foam-like top. That fat is what the cats enjoy. The milk we buy from stores no longer have the fats they like.
The majority of adult cats are lactose intolerant. Being lactose intolerant is when you don't have the enzymes needed to digest the lactose (sugar) in milk. Cats (and many dogs) can end up with stomach problems that cause cramps or vomit. It can also cause diarrhea and even gas.
According to a PetMD interview with Dr. Tawnia Shaw, DVM, who runs The Happy Pet Vet, a mobile veterinary clinic, when young pets nurse, their bodies produce high levels of an enzyme called lactase, which breaks down the lactose sugars found in their mother's milk. As pets get older their bodies produce less and less lactase.
If you want your furry baby to have some flavor in their drink without upsetting their stomach, then your local pet store may carry lactose-free milk. Keep in mind that it is a tad fattening so give some amounts in moderation. Water is always a good choice to go with if you're on the edge about dairy for your cat. It's refreshing and hydrating and you're cat will thank you.