There could be a multiple of things that you thought you were ready for. It could be that first trip that you planned on going alone, a higher job position, a new relationship. Just know that when you take that first step, you technically are ready for this new transition. It's a matter of running the whole journey with it. Its okay to give up if there is no other option, but don't give up so easily when things get rough. Whatever situation that you are going through, there is always someone to help guide you through it. Just know that you don't have to make that journey alone. I am in a new part of my life and my journey wasn't easy but I know that I can't fight what the universe wants.
Its okay if you're unsure of yourself but there are parts of the universe that wanted you to take that first step. Whether it's a manager or a friend that believed in you to give you the opportunity or the idea. If you start to feel like that this journey wasn't a good idea, you should assess yourself and see if this is what you want. If the answer is yes, then pursue it with all of the power that you have. I've noticed when something new is in my life isn't working out how I thought, it's normally how those surrounding me react to it or if I start to negatively self-talk myself to go back into my comfort zone. You can't stay in your comfort zone forever and not rise or fall. We are all scared of the fall, but you haven't lived if you haven't taken that leap and ended up fine on the other side.
There are multiple ways to hype you up for this next stage in your life. You can combat the negative self-talk with positive stating that you can do this. If you find that you aren't getting anywhere, go on another project that will bring you success so that you can come back to this one with a clear head. If you are going into a new role at work, watch videos of other leaders that can inspire you to combat through their journeys. There are multiple ways to make sure that you succeed, but it all comes down to you because you are the one willing or unwilling to make the journey. If you don't have your full heart in this then what's the point?
All of this comes down to if you are willing to believe in yourself or not. I say if you weren't willing to make this leap yourself with a full heart then you need to reevaluate yourself. I am going through a new journey in my life right now and it tests something that I'm not good at naturally. I normally go about things that I'm naturally good at, but it's time for me to fly rather than walk. If you are struggling with something new in your life, don't let it ride but surf the tide. You got this!