Dear You,
I'm writing to tell you it's okay. I know it seems awful. Like the whole world might be crumbling around you and maybe to you, that's exactly what's happening. I've been there. I battled with depression for years and told no one. I let myself ache and hurt alone to prevent other people's pain and worry. I wasn't worth worrying over, at least that's what I thought. But I want to tell you I was wrong.
Even if you feel you aren't worth it; feel that no one would care, you're wrong. There is someone out there who cares. Someone out there needs you to stay alive, they depend on you being alive. There is someone out there who loves you. There is something out there worth living for. I don't know what you're going through, there's no way that I could. But I do know that somehow, someway, it will get better. You can get through this. Though it feels like the suffering feels like it will never end, it will. You are strong. You are so very brave. You have already made it through 100% of your bad days. You are out here living, you got up, I hope you ate, and now you're here reading this.
This is very informal, maybe not an article but I feel like it needs to be said. If this could reach one person who's having a bad day then it has served its purpose. I want you to know I'm proud of you. If no one else has told you, I'm proud you are pushing through and I'm proud that you are still here.
Calling for help sometimes feels like weakness, it's like admitting defeat. You believe you aren't strong because you can't handle all the pain yourself. I know how that feels. But it is not a weakness. It takes incredible strength to ask for assistance, to tell people of the pain you experience. I've done it and I know. You worry about what others may think, how they will see you when you ask. But there are those who won't judge you, who just wish to help you. Seek them out. You can be strong and still be helped. You shouldn't bear all the weight alone.
I've been where you are. I've felt so down I thought there was no way out. But I asked for help. I started telling people how I felt and how depression was ruining me, and they helped me get through it. I've found myself and I'm doing better than ever. I'm happy, I'm productive and I don't feel the need to sleep quite as much. My friendships are much healthier, I feel great.
What I want you to take away from this article is that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. You can keep pushing through and come out better than ever on the other side. You can do it, I believe in you. There is nothing you can't do, you are so strong and brave. Pick yourself up and keep getting out of bed everyday, do what it takes to get on with your life and get to the better life that's waiting on the other side.