There are many reasons why one's mood can go south. There is no pinpointing a certain thing to help get everyone out of their sadness or depression but there are a couple things that will help almost everybody. Sadness and depression does not just go away, you have to work for it. It is possible to overcome but it can be tricky. This is a list of things that help me when I am feeling down, if they do not work for you, don't be afraid to get the help that you need.
Take a step back and assess
If you find yourself yourself constantly thinking about the thing that is getting you down, take a step back and assess the situation. Break it down and figure out what you can do to make sure you will be okay.
Take a day off
On your off day, take a break and practice some self care. Do something that you have wanted to do like eat breakfast outside, hang out with your friends, sleep in, dye your hair, or go for a day trip. Do something that will enjoy.
Download self help apps
There are many self help apps including Calm Harm, Headspace, and Success Psychology. Each app varies in its services but most of them focus on meditation. Their main goal is to help you get into a calm state, and meditation is a good way of achieving that.
Create a schedule
Create a schedule to stick to. Doing this will help you get up and do what you need to even if you don't have the motivation. Make sure to give yourself some free time though.
Talk to someone
You can talk with anyone you want like a family member, friend, or even a therapist. Sometimes it helps to just say things out loud and get an opinion on what you should do. You aren't bothering anyone so don't be afraid to talk it out.
Eat something healthy
If you don't always eat something nutritional, eating something healthy might make you feel a little bit better. Eating better might not be the exact therapy needed, but if it makes you feel even a little better, try it. It might help balance hormones, vitamins, or nutrition that your body needs.
Don't sleep for too long
It is important to get enough sleep and its always nice to catch up on sleep, but if you sleep for too long then you will just feel tired all day. Set an alarm at the time you want to wake up and get up at that time. You might not want to be awake, but you'l feel better if you're not groggy all day.
Go for a walk
Walking will help you get out of the house and get some exercise. You are able to get some fresh air and clear your mind. If you want to start exercising, walking everyday could be a gateway to start going to the gym.
Clean up
Clean your room or house, do chores that you have been putting off. You will likely feel accomplished after doing so and feel better now that everything is clean.
Challenge negative thoughts
If your first thought is a negative one, try to spin it around. Train yourself to think differently. If your first thought is "what if it goes wrong?" you can turn it around and think "what if it goes right?" There is a saying that goes something like "your first thought is what you have been conditioned to think, and your second thought is what you actually think" and I believe it applies when you have to train yourself to think more positive thoughts.
You can do this, don't give up.