We're all growing up. Maybe you're working two jobs, maybe you're putting yourself through school, maybe you're trying to move out of your parents home, maybe you're just having a bad day. Whatever it is, don't lose sight of what you are working towards.
For me personally, the last three years of my life have been the most trying years I have experienced. I've had to work and put myself through college and try to keep my mind balanced all along the way. I put a smile on every day, but that doesn't mean that I don't struggle.
The one goal I have for myself is to not forget who I am along my journey. It is so easy to get so caught up in your life to where you forget to care for yourself, you lose sight of the goal you're trying to reach. That's okay, it really is. I can't name one person who hasn't forgotten to treat themselves every now and then, I can't name someone who hasn't sat back and questioned why they're doing what they are.
I find myself many times wondering if it's all worth it, all the stress, all the responsibility; sometimes I just want to crawl under a rock and pretend none of it exists. But I know that I can't.
While you're studying away, don't forget that you're doing this for yourself, don't forget that one day all these hours at the library will lead to the career you're dreaming of. Don't give up now and miss out on all the wonderful things that are to come, because they are coming!
While you're working your butt off for 40 hours a week, don't get so caught up in that job that you forget who you were before you started. This is something I struggle with, I invest myself into my work and I have days where all I think about is what will happen when I go in, I think about the week to come and budget goals and how to make it better. At the same time, I have to realize that I do have a life outside of those doors, I do need to remember that I am an individual that is just part of a business, and I cannot allow myself to get lost within that business. Don't drown yourself in work, don't allow a business to take control over your life to the point where you lose sight of yourself.
While you're having a breakdown over whatever has gone wrong today, do not forget all the things that have gone right! You are a soldier in the battle of life, there isn't anyone out there who has a good day every day. Don't get lost in the battle, don't get so caught up in the mishaps of the moment that you question who you are.
It is so easy to forget about yourself when there is so much on your plate, but none of that would be there if you weren't there. You're in the place that you're in for a reason, you were chosen to go through these circumstances, because you can make it through. You've got the drive that job needed, you have the mind those classes need, you have the strength to make it through those hardships you're facing.
You were given this ride, it is molded for you. Don't get lost in the chaos, don't lose yourself in the struggle. Stay strong in who you are, hold tight to yourself. Whatever you may be going through, someone is proud of you, someone admires you, and I'm here to tell you today that you are doing a great job, you will make it, and the future will be oh so bright for you if you just keep going.