As Thanksgiving comes to an end, the holiday season is approaching. Normally we would all be scrambling to get things done and go to the places we need to be. Picking up extra shifts at work to cover gift and food costs or just frantically trying to get everything organized for the new year,
but this year of the pandemic is definitely very different.
We might not be able to go where we usually go or see everyone we normally see and that may feel lonely and upsetting. Sometimes you spend the whole year waiting for these moments and this year it seems to be taken right out from under you and that in itself may be very stressful.
Don't forget to check in on yourself this year. With all the advanced technology we have, everyone is one phone call/facetime away. You spend all this time trying to perfect this holiday season to make it the best it can be and to make others happy sometimes you forget about yourself. Your mental and physical health. I know I, myself, am always guilty of doing that. I rush myself to make sure I'm doing everything right for the satisfaction of others and prioritize everyone else before myself. Their happiness. Their well-being. And I can say the holiday season always makes me stressed with everything I have going on in my life. But maybe this pandemic can teach us something.
Covid-19 put the world on pause and these last few months have been extremely crucial and heart wrenching on most of us. Now that everything has stopped, maybe this year was meant for us. It was meant for us to take a pause on this normally busy time in the year to see how we're doing. To pick ourselves up and dust off for a better 2021. We always forget about ourselves when we get busy and 2020 is the year we finally get to see that.