7 Ways to Engage in Political Resistance This Spring Break
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Politics and Activism

7 Ways to Engage in Political Resistance This Spring Break

Myrtle Beach is fun and all, but have you considered punching Nazis?

7 Ways to Engage in Political Resistance This Spring Break
Modern Manner Tips

It's spring, and for college kids that evokes clear imagery of beaches, road trips, getting wasted, and generally disappointing your parents. This spring break, shake up the routine and shock your Instagram followers. Resistance is the new black, and continuing to be sheep beneath an oppressive regime is so 1984. If you really want to have a spring break you'll never forget, you'll spend it sowing seeds of resistance against the current American political administration and undermining fascists. Here's your beginner's guide to dismantling hatred nationwide!

1. Punch Nazis

Now, some people might disagree with punching Nazis. We understand that completely, and agree that there are multiple ways to hurt Nazis. Alternatives to punches include elbowing, kicking, clawing, spitting, and destroying their hateful propaganda. Here's some tips to help you find and punch Nazis.

2. Call Your Representatives, I Guess. Get ready for Midterm Elections?

I mean, you can give it a try. Sure, the democratic process is corrupt to the bone and has failed us constantly, but maybe a phone call will help a bit? This is an ok place to start, just make sure you're doing your research. Be wary of people who stop their activism here. "Oh, I'm a constituent in a historically blue state and I called my senator once, so I'm basically a revolutionary communist!" Not quite, buddy.

3. No News is Bad News

Everybody's shouting about fake news, alternative facts, and the like. An activist needs to establish news sources they trust- multiple ones. Know where they get their sources, their historical accuracy, who owns the publishing company. As of 2012, 90% of American news sources were owned by a total of six companies. Maybe those corporations are trustworthy; but then again, what business doesn't have an agenda? It might be spring break, but you've got some homework to do if you want a chance of hearing the truth.

4. Learn How to Remove Stickers, Graffiti, Swastikas, etc

Across the nation people are waking up to their houses, storefronts, and community areas defaced with Alt-Right and White Supremacist propaganda. Spend some time this Spring Break learning how to safely and effectively remove such filth.

5. Seriously, Do Some Homework

Yes, we get it, you know how to share memes about how Trump's just like Voldemort or Sauron or even Hitler. We're all very proud of your astute observations. The vilification is done, we all know our President is not a good person. But how familiar are you with the power of executive orders? Immigration laws? You may be able to draw parallels between us and the rise of German nationalism, but are you listening to Holocaust survivors and their warnings? Dust off the old Google and get your critical reasoning hat on.

6. Help in Your Community

The country is hurting all over, and anything that can be done to alleviate that pain helps. If you're already aware of shelters, pantries, other charities in your area, see what they need. If you aren't already active in your community, get to it! The political machinations matter because of their direct effects on the most vulnerable among us. While love alone will not be enough to see us through this age of hatred, charity remains invaluable. It keeps us human, and reminds us of what we're fighting for.

7. Punch More Nazis. Also, Tear Down Nazi Flags

It bears saying twice. You have, what, ten days of break? Definitely space for two rounds of Nazi punching.

This list is far, far from inclusive of what can be done to combat oppression while you are avoiding your homework. Honestly, who assigns homework over Spring Break! That's the real injustice here.

Hopefully this guide serves as a good place for the budding activist to begin. Remember, intersectionality is crucial to success, true victory will only be achieved when the means of production are seized, and you should definitely punch Nazis.

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