More often than not, many people do not realize all they have to be thankful for. It is important, not just around the holidays, but all the time to be thankful. However, since Thanksgiving is in just a few short days away, here are five important things to remember to be thankful for.
1. Education and Jobs
Education may not be appealing to people as something to be thankful for, but it is. The right to an education is something very special here in the United States, and I am privileged to have the opportunity to further my education, as the rest of you should. Having a job, unless you really enjoy what you're doing day in and day out, is also something most people complain about, however, be thankful that you have a job. The hardships of losing a job, especially when providing for a family is extremely tough, so to those of you who have a job, do not forget to be thankful.
2. Health
The ability to get out of bed everyday is a blessing in itself. Everyone gets sick here and there, but for the most part our health is in pretty good shape. Pray for those who are ill, but thank God for the good health he has given you.
3. Having a Home and Food
One of the most common things associated with Thanksgiving, other than giving thanks, is all the wonderful food that comes along with it. The turkey, stuffing, corn and rolls gets everyone excited. However, do not forget to be thankful for all the other meals you have on every other day of the year. Homelessness is becoming such a big issue, so do not forget to be thankful for the food you have on the table in the place you get to call home.
4. Family and Friends
Everyone gets their panties in a bunch once in a while, but try not to hold grudges. One of the most important things in life is family, so do not ever take them for granted because at the end of the day, they will be there for you when you need them. Thank your friends, significant others, coworkers and anyone else that has helped you for all they have done. After all, life is too short to be anything but happy! Do not forget to thank and love the people who have been there through thick and thin for you, they are the most important people to have in your life.
5. Freedom
Along with the other four things listed before this one, this is one to be especially thankful for. As a country, we need to remember why we are able to do everything we can. Thank you endlessly to those who serve for our country to provide us with the freedom we have. Be thankful for your life, because their lives are at risk every second of the day. God bless all of you, and your hearts. May you return safe, and have a great holiday no matter where you are.
This holiday season, and every other day of your life, just remember to be thankful. Life is too short to hold grudges, or to be unhappy. Life will get tough, and it will certainly test your limits, but always try to come out stronger. Anything can happen in this crazy world, so never forget to count your blessings. Happy Holidays everybody!