I get it. I’m a busy college student too. Often times, the last thing on my mind is remembering to say a prayer or read my Bible. However, it is something that I try hard not to forget.
About a week ago, two of my best friends and I were traveling back to campus after picking some stuff up from one of my friend’s houses. We were riding right along, not speeding, being very quiet, and just taking in the scenery while my best friend drove. As we topped a hill, we were facing a large truck that was trying to illegally pass an 18-wheeler. The truck missed us by about 6 inches, and had it not gotten over at the last second, it would have more than likely been a fatal accident.
In the moments after our nearly fatal accident, we were even quieter than before while our minds reeled with the ideas of what could have happened. When we finally broke the silence, we began to talk about how we didn’t understand people who don’t believe God exists. If there were ever a doubt in any of our minds, there wasn’t after that day. We were very fortunate to have made it back to campus safely that day. As soon as we were tucked away safely in our rooms, we began praying and thanking God for looking out for us.
That’s when it hit me. If there was ever a time to be extra thankful for the Big Man Upstairs, this was it. However, we should still be thanking God daily, even for the little things. Why had it taken almost a major car wreck to wake us up? All three of us proclaim to be Christians. We attend church. But, why were we just now concerned about getting back to our rooms to get down on our knees and pray?
The fact that we all woke up this morning is reason enough to thank God every day. Our families wake up. We have food, drink, and shelter. We have running water. All of these are reasons to thank God. We may not have everything we want, but most of us have everything we need. We need to be thankful for these things.
I, personally, am thankful for my church. I attend a small church, where we all know each other and everyone has assigned seats on Sunday. The adults have seen me grow up, I’ve seen the children grow up, and I continue to see them grow. I am thankful for this close family like environment, but often times, I think I forget to thank God for that.
We all get too caught up in our daily lives to remember what’s really important. We forget to thank God for the little things, especially on the days where we feel like nothing is going our way. We have days where we feel like we aren’t important, but we are to someone. We have days where we think there is nothing good, nothing to be thankful for. But, there is always something to be thankful for.
Like I said, I get it. I’m a busy person too. But don’t let busy be an excuse. Don’t let “I’m too tired” be the reason you go straight to bed. Make time to talk to God and read his word, even if it’s only 5-10 minutes, because that 5-10 minutes could really make a difference in your life and be exactly what you need to hear.
So, just remember, don’t forget to thank God daily, even for the little things!