Honestly, "adulting" is the hardest transition we go through in our lives. Our parents have told us time and time again that it would be coming and it would not be pretty. Millenials are beginning to feel the burn. There are so many things that we have to do by ourselves now. To this day, I still refuse to make my own doctor's appointment because "Mommy does it better."
It's kind of funny how we go from being immature adolescents to suddenly being in charge of every aspect of our lives. Holla at the parents for doing it for 18+ years (with multiple children). I swear, taking care of myself these last few months in college (and I don't even have to pay bills or take care of others) got me like:
Anyway, I digress. It is a common theme in nature that the parent throws the child into the hypothetical deep end of the pool. And honestly, it's an extreme culture shock. If you're one of those people who think they aren't good enough for showing chinks in your armor, don't believe it. Many people have found their path before you and many people will find their way after you.
If you're ever feeling overwhelmed, I'm going to pass on some sage words given to me in high school: "Adults are just children who forgot to have fun."
So chill out, eat junk food, and watch "Lilo and Stitch" in a onesie. Do whatever makes you happy. Times are too hard to be worried about if what you are doing is too immature. Take some time and refresh yourself, so you can go kick butt tomorrow.