I started to get anxious, leading up to fall break. And it wasn't because of midterms, it was because every other day, someone asked me what I was doing for the break.
I knew they had good intentions, but every time I said, "nothing, I'm just staying on campus," their eyes filled with pity for me. As fall break drew near, I actually began to dread it (I wasn't dreading the idea of a break, just the idea that I would be stuck on campus while everyone would be away).
But now that the break has actually arrived, I wish I had more confidence in myself when replying.
Because now I can do all the stuff I want to do.
Maybe my break just won't be as Snapchat or Instagram-worthy as all my friends', but I'm going to get stuff done. I'm going to catch up on work, play with my personal blog (www.sofieyah.com), and finally read for pleasure!
However, what makes me still so sad is that odd stigma of having to leave campus for break, otherwise it might not really be considered a "break." Maybe you don't know about this stigma and might even question its existence, but can you honestly tell yourself that you have never felt bad for a friend who was stuck on-campus for a break? (I rest my case.)
I would just like to set the record straight and tell the world that you do not have to leave campus to "go on break."
You can explore neighboring towns and come back to the comfort of your own room.
You can catch up on work at your leisure while experiencing new cafes.
You can just bathe in the remaining fall sun while humming to your favorite song.
And then you can go home, watch Netflix and chill (and I mean in the most innocent way!).
Break is what you decide it should be. Why spend an endless amount of money when you don't really want to?
I will be spending Thanksgiving on-campus, too, and am no longer ashamed of that because I will be using that time to literally just take a break.
Fall break is just the college's idea to give us time off and honestly, I will be using my four days off to the best of my ability. I don't plan on procrastinating and just sitting on my bed in my PJ's.
So if you are a close friend and you ask me what I'm doing for break next time, please do NOT give me the pity stare.
I have the money and resources, I'm just choosing not to use them.
(Plus, I am the slightly unlucky one where my parents do not live on the East Coast, but in the West.)
"Believe in yourself, not only in swimming, but in life itself. You always have to have fun. You have to have an open mind. If you're not enjoying it, don't do it. Life's too short." -- Debbie Meyer