Fear is a creep. It leads you down a dark path that makes you feel alone and distant from everyone. On your darkest days, it surrounds you, clouding your judgment and making you feel less than what you are. Fear attracts those who aren't able to see, the unknown. People who find this foreign, people like me, aren't alone. For example, a girl in my P.E. class specifically said the open sea scares her. She has never experienced open water, but she fears it.
When discussing fear, the thought of hope surfaces. Maya Angelou once said, "hope and fear cannot occupy the same space. Invite one to stay." I don't know about you, but in my life hope always triumphed over fear. I think it's important to remain hopeful in today's society especially. We are constantly being exposed to corruption and negativity. Instead of adding to the fuel of fear, we can deflect the issue. I believe that hoping for the best can establish positivity and just willingness to face any challenges.
One thing I have feared the absolute most was driving. Being afraid of driving and actually doing it doesn't mix. This puts many lives in danger. Something I had to learn was that if I leave my fears behind, then I would be able to accomplish things I couldn't even see.It's wonderful to see that life doesn't revolve around fear. Fear will constantly taunt us; however, we can overcome it. In most cases, at least for me, I feel that I need to face fear on my own. On the other hand, I learned that there's always someone who can help me. My mother is the best person to go to when I'm dealing with fear. She uplifts and encourages me to continue despite my hesitation and fear. Whether it's a family member or a friend, seek out a person who can help you.