“Promise to treasure your time. Don’t fall in love with potential. Remember that just because you want it, doesn’t mean it deserves to have you. Be patient, but don’t procrastinate. Be hopeful, but not naïve. When it’s right, you’ll know. You don’t have to force it.”
Whether you believe it or not, your time is valuable. You are valuable. Every day that you wake up and your feet hit the floor, you have a purpose. The time you are given for that day should never be wasted. Treasuring your time means being proactive with your life. And being proactive with your life means you have to stop waiting: Stop waiting for that boy or that almost-relationship. Stop waiting for more excuses. You are worth more than the almost-love that he has to offer.
Don’t fall in love with potential. Don’t fall in love with a project. He won’t change and you will become emotionally drained in the process. I have learned that when a man wants something, he goes after it. If he wants to call you, he will. If he wants to make plans with you, he will. If he wants to be with you, he will. And if he doesn’t, take that for exactly what it is. You can’t see potential and call it love. Because love is love and it isn’t a guessing game when it’s meant to be.
Just because we want something doesn’t mean it deserves us. At some point, we as women have to check our self-worth. We have to realize that when we aren’t being valued and cherished, it’s not love. When we have to fight for attention, it’s not love. And when he is still on Bumble looking elsewhere to fulfill his desires, it is not love. It is not even like. It is lust. Why do we continuously give 110 percent to someone who only gives us 5 percent when he feels like it? You are worth more than that. I am worth more than that. No one ever deserves to be treated as a backup plan or time filler.
We must be patient, but we have to stop confusing patience with waiting. Don’t procrastinate on your life at the expense of someone who isn’t sure about theirs, but we must have hope - hope that what we truly deserve is out there; hope that one day, we will get back everything that we have to give. But we can’t hope that he will change his mind. And we can’t hope that our lives will work out like "The Notebook."
We can only hope that God will do as He has always done by providing us with what He knows we need in His time. When love is supposed to be, it will be. Our time is valuable. We deserve more than what we are settling for and we must never fall in love with potential because God never intended for us to settle for mediocrity.