To be or not to be, that is the question...and not just for Shakespeare. I find myself asking that question again and again in the course of my life except for me it is more of a should I or should I not. Should I go to this school? Should I take this job? Should I start my own blog? Should I date this guy? All of these questions and more overwhelm my brain on a daily basis and sometimes I shut down just to escape my inner dialogue. But the truth of the matter is that I can’t escape the future. Most of my should I’s revolve around future events that have yet to happen or are in the process of happening and it is so easy for me to just derail myself and hide. However, just because I decide to hide doesn’t mean that life will hide with me. Hiding doesn’t solve any of my problems, in fact sometimes it amplifies them. The funniest part of all is most of the things that I identify as “problems” aren’t problems at all. I am just taking a simple task and blowing it way out of proportion until my only answer seems to be, “I can never do any of these things...time to hide.” What if for a moment instead of putting myself in a state of panic over my should I’s, I just walked? Walked through all the possible doors that God is opening for me until I hit a closed door. Instead of seeing situations as a failure, see them instead as God telling me to go in another direction. Here are five of the best ways to keep swimming:
1. Surround yourself with people who will push you to do the impossible.
For a long time I got super annoyed by those who pushed me out of my comfort zone, but as I got older I quickly realized that those who push me only do so because they believe in me. If other people are willing to push you to do the impossible it must mean that they truly believe you can achieve the impossible
2. Be willing to fail.
Failing is a part of life, everyone fails at some point or another. But you have to remember that failure does not equal losing. Sometimes it is failure that leads the way to what you are truly meant to be.
3. Pray. Constantly.
There is no better way to get rid of fear than prayer. Spend time with the Lord and tell him your troubles. Tell him that you need him to carry you through this time of your life.
4. Read the Bible.
If anybody can understand the what if’s and the to be’s it is the people from the Bible. Remembering their lives and the things that they dealt with is important. Daniel in the lion’s den is a clear insight into not letting your fear keep you from doing what God wants you to do. His should I led a powerful man to Christ, who knows what yours will do.
5. Listen to music, good music.
The genre of music you listen to is not what makes the music good. It is the message behind the lyrics. Make sure you are filling your ears with uplifting words, not things that will make you feel as though you are worthless.
All of these things are a great help in making sure you keep on swimming but the biggest piece of the puzzle is yourself. You have to believe in yourself, believe that you are capable of doing all the things you dream of doing. It isn’t always easy believing in yourself, but it is worth it. Believe in who God created you to be. Do that and you never know where life might take you. I challenge you to swim, and I challenge myself to swim with you.