I recently attended a church in Colorado called the Potter’s House of Denver. This blog comes from what I experienced and heard in that service.
In the Church today, I believe we have lost our drive to excitedly worship God. I think there are some churches out there, like the one I visited who got it right. But not all of them do. The people of this church were not afraid to stand up. They were not afraid to say amen and cheer or clap during the message. They were not afraid to raise their hands in worship. They unashamedly worshiped God as a family.
Where is this spark in other Christians? Why are we afraid to raise our hands? Why are we afraid to speak up and say amen when we agree? If we say we are Christians and want to follow the Lord, where is our excitement?
The joyful servant-hood and love shared by the people in this church was amazing. I was greeted by everyone with a smile. Everyone politely shook my hand and welcomed me through the doors. Men stepped aside as I walked to my seat and happily held open the door for me. That kind of service and joy is rare. Everything they did was with love reflecting the spirit of Christ.
I heard it described well that we are either pursuers or settlers. We can choose to come to church and sit and be consumers. We can take from others and look to simply be poured into. We can be satisfied and stagnant in our Christian lives or we can choose to be in constant pursuit of the Lord. We can serve others with a full heart. We can praise the Lord with all we have unashamed of what others think. We can share his love everywhere and with everyone.
I urge you and call all Christians to choose the latter. Choose to be on fire for the Lord. Live your life for His glory and not your own. Don’t be afraid to stand up for him and praise Him with all you have. Most of all, live every moment as if it was your last chance to share His love.
Psalm 150:6
"Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!"