I don’t care who becomes president.
I don’t care who wins the election coming up this Tuesday.
I don’t care if Donald Trump wins. I don’t care if Hillary Clinton wins. I don’t care if Gary Johnson, Bernie Sanders or Vermin Supreme wins. I don’t care.
Tuesday will mark a major moment in American history. Tuesday, America will decide upon its new President (or won’t, if cheating allegations are true) -- but even then, I do not care.
I care not who wins. It does not matter. Sure, I have my own personal thoughts about who I believe would be best suited for the presidency. I have a wide variety of opinions about this entire election and the events surrounding it. I have plenty of beliefs and convictions, but ultimately, I don’t care.
I don’t care because it shouldn’t matter. Naturally, we should vote for the person we believe is best equipped for the job. It does matter what caliber the man or woman sitting in the Oval Office is. It matters to the good of the nation. It is an important day, this Election Day. One of the most, in fact.
But it should not matter to me.
It should not matter if the candidate I chose is the one selected. It should not matter if I think the country is doomed because of the winner.
I don’t care who becomes president. The person chosen will become our President. My president. As such, I have a moral and ethical responsibility to obey and respect him.
I don’t care who becomes president. As a Christian, I especially have an obligation. This election should not cause me to freak out and curse out our new president, publicly or in private. It should not cause me to go on massive rants on Facebook about how our nation is doomed. It should not cause me to disrespect the choice of the American people.
I don’t care who becomes president. It should not cause me to turn to anger, bitterness, depression or despair. Rather, I will remain strong in the hope that God’s will shall be carried out in this nation. God is not found ineffective because one candidate was chosen over the other. His will shall be done either way.
I don’t care who becomes president. But as a Christian, I hold the highest responsibility to honoring God. My hope is not found in a president. It is in a King. As such I will do everything in my power to honor Him and serve the people of this nation and the president he will allow reign of this country.
I don’t care who becomes president. You will not see me rioting in the streets on November 9th, nor will you see me rant viciously on Facebook. Rather, I will focus on praising God that we have a country where we may still practice the freedom to praise whatever god we desire, that I can live a comfort most people in the world cannot. I will pledge myself to serve and to love, despite what I may think of the outcome of this election.
I pray that others who read this may be inspired to act as Christians. Followers of God. Not Hillary. Not Trump. Jesus Christ.
I don’t care who becomes president. I care how we respond.