Over my years in college, I've started to really study the media and trending topics. What I've found is a deep seeded hatred against our bodies, especially females.
I myself am a plus sized woman and I've grown more and more comfortable with my body. I have battled insecurities, clothing mishaps, and the ridiculous comments, but I have survived.
It is through those that have experienced criticism know that these comments may hurt at the moment, but in the end, they make you much stronger in the long run.
The one thing I have noticed that many others appear to be blind to is that many companies aim to drive your self-esteem down to sell their own line of products.
Take, for example, makeup.
Makeup's sole purpose is to alter or hide the body's apparent imperfections. So many products boast about covering dark circles, wrinkles, sun spots, acne, and more that are all a natural part of the body.
So why do we cover these up? We as a society have been trained to believe certain things about our bodies are bad. Truly think about the standards we have today and why we consider them as the standard. The slim figure has constantly been promoted in the media from magazine covers we walk by to the actors and actresses we see on television and the big screen.
We have the power to change what we deem is beautiful as a society by starting with ourselves. Whether you are curvy or slim, black or white, or tall or short, we are all beautiful and amazing in our own ways because of the people we are. From your cellulite to your chubby stomach, you are who you are and that is truly beautiful.