Almost one out of every four students reports being bullied during the school year. Now that we have social media, the problem only continues. 90% of teens who report being cyberbullied have also been bullied offline. Cyberbullying occurs often because there is no face-to-face interaction. Writing a couple of mean things on someone’s posts is easier than facing someone in person. Bullying on any level, by anyone is unacceptable.
A couple of weeks ago 18- year-old Brandy Vela took her own life due to relentless bullying. Bully victims are between 2 to 9 times more likely to consider suicide than non-victims, according to studies by Yale University. That’s someone’s child. Someone’s daughter. Someone’s brother. Someone’s cousin. Someone’s sister. Someone’s friend. Most people have the misconception that bullying only happens to children and use the excuse that “kids will be kids.” That’s where they are wrong.
Bullies come in all shapes and forms. There are adult bullies as well. Your age doesn’t limit your ability to be a bully. Bullying isn't a middle school or high school thing, it's a people thing. People are not always nice and that's just how it is sometimes. It’s ironic that we grow up thinking, “treat others how you want to be treated” and yet bullying still exists. No one wants their child to feel alone and scared because they simply like certain things or look a certain way or whatever the case may be. We often don’t think about the things we say and actions we take that can directly impact those around us. We all want to be liked and respected. Irony is living amongst a generation that complains about getting respect from others and “keeping it real” but when it comes down to it we can’t “keep it real” with ourselves to begin with. We all would rather sit and play along with the joke instead of speak up about the issues. Which is understandable, no on wants to be a lone wolf that turns it back on the pack. But if no one speaks up or steps in, there will be no progression.
From my experience, speaking up the greatest thing anyone can do. We all at some point, have thought mean things about someone or judged someone and everyone is entitled to an opinion, but there are ways to execute that opinion without being a jerk. If your cousin, niece, mother, father, who ever was disrespected by someone and talked down to, wouldn’t it bother you? It’s easy to say, “Oh, well I don’t know them so I can’t say much.” But if you switch the roles, that’s when things are put into perspective. We can either take the bad things that have been said about us or to us and be just as mean OR we can be the bigger person and just simply move on in a respectable way. You are who you are, bullies shouldn’t have a hold over your life.
For those in high school, push through those years and work toward thinking positively. Those who are cyberbullied, put the computer, phone or whatever it is down and just walk away for a bit. Don't let the opinions of irrelevant people bring you down. Work toward bettering yourself and succeeding in whatever path you choose to take. Anyone can make a difference just simply by sitting with someone who’s alone in a cafeteria, smiling at people throughout the day and so on. A simple act of kindness can go far for others. Don’t be a bystander.