Picture this: Your child is a happy baby. Bouncing with joy, running and playing, perfectly healthy. All of a sudden, she comes down with a fever.
Within hours, she has lumps and is crying over a pain you can't heal. You rush her to the doctor, only to discover she has the mumps.
THANKFULLY, we live in 2018 where a vaccination for this horrific, painful disease exists. THANKFULLY, this disease has been eradicated since the introduction of the vaccination 50+ years ago.
Oh, wait, no it hasn't because idiots continue to reproduce and then refuse to vaccinate their children.
Vaccinations have helped to rid this country of unimaginable pain until the "anti-vaxxer" movement stepped up to the plate. If you are opposed to vaccinations, fine.
But don't you DARE bring your child around me or anyone else.
If you choose to openly make your child susceptible to such horrific diseases, that's your decision. No one else should be exposed to your stupidity.
Young children, individuals with cancer, and other susceptible groups of people are made susceptible to PREVENTABLE diseases because of your stupidity.
In my opinion, if a child who cannot be vaccinated due to age or health reasons, ends up dead because of a preventable disease, then the child's family responsible for spreading the disease should face criminal charges.
If nothing else, not vaccinating your child should be considered child abuse. That you would deny your child a life-saving dosage of medicine should, without a doubt, be considered child abuse.
Exposing your child to a life-threatening, painful disease is abuse. Like I said, if another child who can't be vaccinated dies because your diseased kid contaminated them, then you should be facing murder in the first degree.