Summer has come to an end, and it is once again time for students to pack up their belongings and head back to school. We have hundreds of things to remember; new schedules, locations of classes, and the names of peers that we recognize but cannot exactly put a name to. There are dozens of lists out there to help us pack, but what about things that we shouldn't bring?
Here's a list of ten things that don't deserve a spot in your suitcase:
1. Your Entire Wardrobe.
We are all guilty of this at one point or another. While it is nice to have options regarding what to wear, you probably don't need to bring 25 T-shirts to school. Not only will it take up your very limited closet space, you will likely only wear a handful of them throughout the year.
2. Seasonal items.
There is nothing more fun than decorating your dorm for the holidays, but try to resist bringing an overload of decorations. They only serve a purpose for a few weeks out of the year, and the rest of the time they will just be taking up space.
3. Your Significant Other.
College is a time to meet new people. How are you going to expand your social circle if you are holed up in your room FaceTiming your boyfriend?
4. Grudges.
Everyone makes mistakes. Your friend from last semester may have lost your favorite shirt, but try not to hold a grudge. Think of each new semester as a clean slate for relationships!
5. Narrow-Mindedness.
Maybe last year you avoided an interesting club because you didn't think you would mesh with the current members, but don't judge a book by its cover! Open your mind to new people, ideas, and activities.
6. Valuables.
While it is great to bring things that remind you of home, try to avoid bringing things that are expensive or not easily replaceable. The last thing you want is for an important memento to get damaged, or worse, lost. Bring a picture of the valuable instead!
7. Your Pet.
Last semester, I thought it would be a great idea to smuggle my rabbit into my dorm. It was great for the first week, but before long the stench, noise, and clutter drove myself and my roommate crazy. This year I think I'll stick with fish.
8. A Huge TV.
Let's face it, dorm rooms are equivalent to shoe boxes. A big screen TV might sound cool in theory, but it is probably unrealistic in actuality. Besides, do you really want all of your friends crashing in your room whenever they want to watch their favorite show?
9. Laziness.
College is a time for adventures, trying out new activities, and striving for academic excellence. Limit your Netflix and leave your summer laziness at home!
10. Your Mom.
Let your mom help you move in. Let her assist in unpacking and decorating, even if you are going to redo it all later. Let her embarrass you in front of your neighbors and kiss you in front of your friends. Call her a few times a week and keep her updated on your life. Send her pictures of your adventures and the A that you got on your paper, but just remember; this is your time to practice being an adult! Don't ask her to undo every mistake that you've made, and try to refrain from going home every weekend because you miss her. You can do it!
There's no doubt that packing is a long and obnoxious, but at least you don't have to worry about a few things. Don't forget your toothbrush!