I’m sure the journey so far has been nothing like in High School Musical, and I would know because not too long ago I was in your shoes too.
But high school goes by fast. We take it for granted. The days seemingly drag, and we’re always waiting until that bell rings at 2:00 so we can go home. I’m here to tell you not to wish it all away.
It may seem like forever away, but sooner than later, you’re going to be walking across that stage with a diploma in your hand. I promise you will get there, and it will approach more quickly than expected. So live in the present. Take advantage of the time and opportunities you have now. Don’t wait until your senior year to join that club or do that sport. Take chances. Meet new people and take the time to become closer to those around you because you will grow into an inseparable family. Study hard but also make memories. Go to the football games, participate in spirit week. I hear it all of the time, but as much as you may “hate your school,” show pride in it, and if you don’t like it, change it! Make a lasting impression on the classes to follow.
Before you know it, you’ll be stressing over the SAT and where to attend college. You’ll feel like you’re having a mental breakdown over what to do with the rest of your life. I promise you, it’s not all that fun, so enjoy being an underclassman while you still are one (your time to stress will come, don’t worry). Make these next few years ones that you will never forget. Just make the most of it. Because it really does go by in the blink of an eye.
One minute ago I was an anxiety-ridden freshman scrambling to find my classes on the first day so that I wouldn’t be late, and now I’m scheduling senior pictures and college visits, wishing I could go back in time and do it all again because this is the year of all of my “lasts.”
It's cliché to say, but you are only young once. Don't rush to grow up. It's not the fairytale you've always dreamed of. Reality will hit you hard. Enjoy being young and carefree while you still can. As you transition into becoming an upperclassman, go to parties (responsibly, of course), take that challenging class, ask out your high school crush, raise your hand in class, give your all on the field or on the court, and never take any of it for granted. Senior year may feel like forever away, but it's a lot closer than you think. Don't blink—it'll all be over before you know it.
An Upcoming Senior.