Recently, I ended up passing by someone bluntly stating that this generation sucks. It made me realize that we say this generation is flawed, corrupted and misunderstood but what do we make out of it? Seeing people talk about their own generation in ways of not actually “belonging to it” or “not caring for it” seems baffling to me regarding the disapproval for this millennial generation. There have been many occurrences recently and in the past with the protests about racism and police officers, terrorist attacks, and sadly much, much more yet people are still blinded and solely blame it on society when the society is us.
The only thing wrong with this generation is merely that people do not accept it. So many people have their set personal views on life and how to live it disregarding the opportunities and new revelations that each day brings. People depend on older generations which were much different due to the circumstances and situations they were put in.
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There are trends that are contrasted from the older generations which make us unique and incomparable to the others. All we really are accomplishing is redefining our definition of normality. What was normal back then isn’t as normal now. Compare it to the clothes you used to wear when you were a 12-year-old versus now. Most people look back at the pictures and laugh, although, we had the impression of it being completely normal and trendy at the time.
Also, stereotypes such as not valuing marriage, family, being entitled and selfish does not define every person living in this generation.
Family and relationships are important, sure. Although there are less people getting married or settling down currently, people are slowly accustoming themselves to not getting in situations without thinking of the consequences. This has resulted in much lower divorce rates in this generation. People are driven by ambition and some people value certain things more than others. That’s how our lifestyle has always been. This millennial has worked up to the point of success where we are currently at by emphasizing more on the individual achievement. Our economy has not been completely stable yet either, making financial crisis the highlight of the issues we face every day. Technology and medical success is only a handful of things that have upgraded since the past generations.
Most of the influences from this generation have been from the past generation just as parents are the main influencers in your life. There is not a single fault of how our society came to be. It has been shaped by many factors influencing people and events that take place, bringing in change whether it is obvious or not.
These generalizations have made people believe their own generation is doomed whereas the future generations will most likely feel the same way about theirs. What we can do right now is accept the casualties and the lifestyle and live it in the best way we can possible. Complaining about it won’t let you hop into a new generation, so maybe making the best out of what we have now won’t be so bad.